Celebrities like Alicia Keys, Reese Witherspoon and Kate Hudson are swearing by this ancient Yogic ritual called Kundalini to maintain their vitality, health and well-being. Kundalini Yoga uses your breath and chanting to harness the energy within you. If you've tried a class, you know how amazing you feel after the ritual. Not only are you experiencing a surge of energy allowing creativity to flow, you're also feeling a sense of peace and calm.
Like any spiritual practice you want to find a "guru" or a teacher who will guide you through the process. Kundalini is a very powerful practice and you want to ensure you are using the right technique to activate spiritual energy that is located at the base of your spine. This concept has been in the Vedic texts since 1000 BC but has recently been more popular in the western world.
If you are called to this ritual, know that its benefits are tremendous.
Great energy, really good health and mental clarity are some of the quick gains. You will experience stress and anxiety relief, enhanced cognitive function and heightened self awareness. Kundalini Yoga leads to a deeper type of happiness that keeps us in a space where the adversities of the outside environment don't interfere with the deeper contentment that is cultivated through a regular practice.
According to Jai Dev a Kundalini teacher the main premise of Kundalini Yoga is to create a condition of the body and mind that promotes feeling good, physical health and a happy mind. Although the practice can be mystical and deep, the essence is simple HUMAN HAPPINESS and HEALTH. Kundalini provides the tools to enjoy your life, your work and your family.
This practice brings self acceptance elevating you to become more spiritually connected with yourself and others. Try it out using the resources below. What is your spiritual practice? Are you consistent with those practices?
resources: @healyourworld @Gurujagat @Jaidev108